USARA Scholarship Program

The US Army Ranger Association (USARA) Scholarship Program currently includes two scholarships, the USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship and the 1LT Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship. Click on the links to read the details of each scholarship.

The USARA Scholarship Program provides financial grants to students who plan to attend, or are already attending, an accredited college or university pursuing and undergraduate degree, or higher technical trade school. Scholarship awards are provided to assist with tuition, books, fees, supplies and room and board and other expenses at the attending University/School.   

Funding and Awards:

The USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship is supported by donations from USARA members and public donations. The number of scholarships to be awarded annually will vary based on funding; however, the scholarships will not exceed $3,000 per awardee and will be no less than $1,000. The 1LT Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship is supported by his family and public donations. The number of scholarships to be awarded annually will vary; the scholarship is $5,000 per awardee.


USARA does not provide scholarships for individuals pursuing graduate or advanced degrees.

An individual can be awarded the USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship or the 1LT Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship one time; it is not renewable; he/she cannot compete for future USARA Scholarships.


USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship applicants must be a qualified descendant of a USARA member. Qualified descendant is defined as an unmarried child; grandchild or great-grandchild of a USARA member (including legally adopted) who is under the age of 23 for the entire academic year. USARA Member (scholarship sponsor) in this case is defined as an individual who at the time of scholarship application has been a Regular Member (Annual or Life) of USARA for a minimum of one year; or a deceased Regular Member of USARA. Applicants that meet the eligibility requirements for the USARA legacy scholarship also compete for The First Lieutenant Dimitri del Castillo Scholarship.

1LT Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship is offered to a qualified child or spouse of a fallen tabbed or scrolled Ranger. Qualified child is defined as an unmarried child of a fallen tabbed or scrolled ranger (included those legally adopted) who is under the age of 23 for the entire academic year. Qualified Spouse is defined as the person legally married to the fallen Ranger at the time of his death; and not remarried at the time of application for the scholarship.  The term “fallen tabbed or scrolled rangers” (scholarship sponsor) means those tabbed (graduated from Ranger School and awarded the Ranger Tab, or scrolled Rangers (served with the 75th Ranger Regiment in a Ranger slot) who were killed in action or those tabbed or scrolled Ranger killed during training. This includes those who died in a hospital later as a result of critical wounds related to combat or training.

Application Scholarship Process SCHEDULE (2017):

The 2017 Process Schedule to be announced.

Application Process:

Application Request Form

Perspective applicants must complete the online Application Request Form that provides initial vital information to determine eligibility and tracks the date and time each request is made.  There is no paper-based form.  To ensure effective communication and tracing, the Application Request Form must be completed by the applicant, not by a parent, friend or other person.  Immediately after completing the online Application Request Form, the applicant will receive a confirmation by email.

The Scholarship Committee chairman will review each online request and verify that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria specified above.  In the case that the applicant is requesting a Scholarship Application under the “Fallen Ranger” criteria, the document(s) outlined below will be requested.

Eligibility Determination

The Scholarship Committee chairman verifies:

  • Applicant requesting eligibility as a qualified descendant of a USARA member is in fact a descendant of the USARA Member (scholarship sponsor) claimed by the applicant is in fact a member of USARA as defined above.
  • Applicant requesting eligibility as a qualified child or spouse of a fallen tabbed or scrolled Ranger is informed by email that a US Army Human Resources Command (AHRC) Transcript of Military Records (DA Form 1569) or Statement of Service (AHRC Form 2496-E) as proof that the sponsor was killed-in-action or training as well as copies the “fallen Ranger’s”; DA orders awarding the Ranger Tab and/or documented proof of assignment to the 75th Ranger Regiment must be submitted.

Notification of eligibility

The Scholarship Committee chairman will approve eligibility send a Notification of eligibility by email to each applicant immediately after confirming that he/she is clearly eligible.  Applicants will be also notified if not eligible; or that additional information is required.

Scholarship Application Instructions and Application Forms

The Notification of eligibility will provide the links to access the Scholarship Application Instructions (in Portable Document Format [PDF]) and Scholarship Application Form link. Applicants must have the latest version of Adobe Reader to download, save and read the Instructions.  Links are not available to any person other than the applicant. 

Scholarship Application Submission

The applicant must complete and submit the online Scholarship Application along with uploading required supporting documentation, as outlined in the Scholarship Application Instructions in accordance with date/time set forth in the Application Scholarship Process Schedule.  Application submissions will not be accepted by regular mail or any other means.

Award Selection:

In accordance with the Application Scholarship Process Schedule (shown above) the Chairman will forward all submitted submit applications to Scholarship Committee Members who will review and score each application according to established process and procedure (the chairman is a non-voting committee member).

Selection of awardees rests solely with the USARA Scholarship Committee. Awards will be based on the final, weighted order of merit of all applicants (based on an established set of evaluation criteria); and the amount of funds available during the given scholarship year. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, or physical disability. “Politics” does not play any factor in the selection process. The selection of awardees shall be final and binding and no effort to contest the selection will be accepted.


After the Scholarship Committee Members report ranking of applicants to Scholarship Committee Chairman, he will reports the selection order of merit to President and Treasurer who will award amounts based on funding.

Awardees will contacted by the USARA President via telephone with a letter to follow.   Notification of all other applicants who were not selected will be made within ten days informing them of their non-selection.

Public announcement of Scholarship Awards will be made on the USARA website and through USARA News and other media outlets. 


If you would like donate to the USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship you may do so securely online by clicking the DONATE icon below (Please specify “USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship” or “1LT Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship Fund in the Donations Instructions):

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or send a donation to:

U. S. Army Ranger Association, Inc.

Attn: USARA Scholarships

P.O. box 52126

Fort Benning, GA 31995-2126



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