The UNITED STATES ARMY RANGER ASSOCIATION (USARA) is recruiting veteran Rangers to lend support to active-duty Rangers. Any Ranger knows that once a Ranger always a Ranger. As a Ranger veteran each of us is in a position to share our experiences and show our support and pride in the active duty Rangers both in the United States and those fighting for our Nation in such places as Afghanistan and Iraq. Remember “Rangers Lead the Way!”
The purpose of the United States Army Ranger Association (USARA) is to promote and preserve the heritage, spirit, image and service of U.S. Army Rangers. The USARA accomplishes this by;
ü Support and promote the events, programs and activities of Ranger units and recognized Ranger associations.
ü Provide activities, social events, services, programs and other fellowship opportunities for USARA members, their families and the entire Ranger Community.
ü Provide financial support for Ranger programs, memorial activities and special events and encourage individual financial assistance by USARA members.
ü Recognize the unselfish contributions by Ranger families, relatives and supporters and encourage their continued support.
ü Honor the service, courage and sacrifices made by active duty U.S. Army Rangers.
ü Cherish and preserve the spirit of what it means to be a U.S. Army Ranger.
ü Engage in lawful business as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Georgia.
In addition to this website, USARA publishes a quarterly newsletter, the Ranger Resister; USARA conducts national and regional events with the Annual Ranger Muster being the highlight of the year.
The USARA works closely with the Ranger Training Brigade and the 75th Ranger Regiment in order to give meaningful support to the active duty Rangers. USARA cooperates with the Ranger Veteran associations of the Ranger Battalions of WWII, Merrill's Marauders, the Ranger Infantry Companies (Airborne) of the Korean War, the LRRP, LRP, Rangers, and Ranger Advisors of the Vietnam War, and other recognized Special Operations associations.
Who is eligible for membership?
We welcome as Regular Members all Rangers that have earned the U.S. Army Ranger tab, WWII Rangers, Korean War Rangers, Vietnam War Rangers, all Rangers that participated in Operations Urgent Fury, Just Cause, Desert Storm, Restore Hope, Enduring Freedom, and all Rangers who have served honorably for at least one year in a recognized Ranger unit. In addition, we welcome certain qualified individuals as Associate Members; and close family as Affiliate Members.
Please go to the specific membership category for more information.