1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Scholarship 


PURPOSE: The 1st Lt. Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship is a memorial to selfless service and ultimate sacrifice made to our country by US Army 1st Lt. Dimitri A. del Castillo who was killed in action on June 25, 2011 in Kunar, Afghanistan while serving with the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. The scholarship provides financial assistance to qualified applicants in furthering their education. The Scholarship Committee seeks to award scholarships to applicants displaying the potential for a degree in higher education, whether it is technical, university or professional. Each year the USARA Scholarship Committee evaluates the scholarship applicants and selects the most outstanding submissions to be awarded a 1st Lt. Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship.  Click here to read about 1st Lt. del Castillo

SCOPE: This scholarship provides financial grants to students who are or plan to attend an accredited college, university, or higher technical trade school. Scholarship awards funds are to assist with academic expenses at the attending University/School and will be disbursed directly to the University/School to assist with tuition, books, fees, supplies and room and board.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be a qualified child or spouse of a fallen tabbed or scrolled Ranger.

  1. Qualified child is defined as an unmarried child of a fallen tabbed or scrolled ranger (included those legally adopted) who is under the age of 23 for the entire academic year.
  2. Qualified Spouse is defined as the person legally married to the fallen Ranger at the time of his death; and not remarried at the time of application for the scholarship.

  3. Fallen Tabbed or Scrolled Rangers means those tabbed (graduated from Ranger School and awarded the Ranger Tab, or scrolled Rangers (served with the 75th Ranger Regiment in a Ranger slot) who were killed in action or those tabbed or scrolled Ranger killed in training. This includes those who died in a hospital later as a result of critical wounds related to combat or training.

Applicants eligible under the USARA Legacy Scholarship are automatically eligible to receive award of the 1st Lt. Dimitri A. del Castillo Scholarship. However, Applicants qualified eligible for the 1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Fund take precedence when funding is depleted during any given year.     

Application Process: All applications will be processed in accordance with the published annual USARA Scholarship Application Process Schedule.

FUNDING: The scholarship is supported by donations made to the 1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Fund, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, Tampa, Florida. The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization; therefore, all donations/contributions are tax-deductible.

DONATION: If you would like donate to the 1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Fund you may do so by clicking the DONATE icon below. Use your credit card – Visa, MasterCard or American Express – to make your tax-deductible donation safely and securely. Minimum online donation is $25. For your protection, your gift will be processed through a secure site.

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Or send a CHECK for your donation to:

1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Fund
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
‎550 North Reo Street, Suite 301‎
Tampa, FL  33609-1037 ‎

Please write 1st Lt. Dimitri del Castillo Fund in the Memo Line of your check

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