Donate to USARA

The US Army Ranger Association, Inc., (USARA), is a Georgia Corporation organized, for tax purposes, as a Tax Exempt Organization pursuant to the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (19). Accordingly, cash and appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, airplanes etc. contributions to the USARA are deductible by the donor based upon the assets' market value on the date of the contribution or gift. Many donors choose to contribute appreciated assets since it avoids the tax on the capital gain while giving the donor the tax benefit of the fair market value of the donated asset.  Receipts for donations will be sent for all individual donations in excess of $100.

USARA participates in many Ranger community causes such as the Ranger Memorial Foundation, Ranger Hall of Fame and Best Ranger Competition. We present awards to Ranger School graduates and cadre; to the 75th Ranger Regiment Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) graduates; and to the Soldier & NCO of the Year for the 75th Ranger Regiment and Ranger Training Brigade, the 75th Regiment Runners-up, as well.  We participate in many Ranger and Special Operations causes as situations are presented.

We also have our association programs such the USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship Program which provides annual competitive monetary awards to dependents of our members to defray educational/training costs; and the USARA Ranger Assistance Program which has been established to support emergency financial needs of our members or spouses of deceased members and other Rangers. (Click on the titles above to read the full details of each program).

Please keep the USARA in mind when doing your periodic contribution, donation, and gift assessments and your estate planning.

All general donations will go toward the daily administration costs for USARA. If however you desire your donation to go towards a specific and already established USARA Fund, please specify (select) that Fund in the remarks area when using the below donation image link; established funds are the USARA Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship Fund; USARA Ranger Assistance Fund;and the USARA Events and Activities Fund.  Click on one of the preceding links to view specific information about each fund.

Funds are derived from contributions from members, interested parties, and corporations that support USARA and the Ranger community.  Also, we solicit and encourage donations of items of value that can be used to raise funds through raffles and other venues.  Items corporations or other businesses pledge, and we receive, are considered donated at “fair market value” amount.

USARA welcomes donations via credit card or a PayPal account; both methods use the same donation image link below. You may also mail donation checks directly to USARA at the address shown below.  

If making a general donation, please specify “Not specified (where most needed)” under “Donation to be used for:” when using the below donation image link, otherwise your donation will go toward general needs of USARA. In addition, if you are pledging an item or items make sure you select “Yes” under “Item(s) in lieu of money” on the donations form.

To donate securely online click the DONATE icon below:


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Send donations to:

U. S. Army Ranger Association, Inc.

Attn: Donations

P.O. Box 52126
Fort Benning, GA 31995-2126


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