Regular Membership

Thank you for using the online application process; you will automatically receive email messages as your application moves through each process step.

If you would prefer to apply offline; download the Regular Membership Application and mail or fax the application and all supporting documents as instructed.

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to read the information regarding membership requirements and documentation before you proceed.  After applting for membership online you must still mail the requirement documentation to USARA before your membership application can be processed and approved.

Regular Membership

USARA accepts application for membership from individuals who have been awarded the Ranger Tab by the Department of the Army; or who have served in a combat arms capacity, in a recognized U. S. Army Ranger unit, for at least one year, or, if less, were awarded the CIB (Combat Infantryman Badge) or the CMB (Combat Medical Badge) while serving in that unit. The following organizations comprise the definition of “Ranger Unit:”

  • Any of the World War II Ranger Battalions,
  • The 5307th Composite, “Merrill’s Marauders” during WWII,
  • The Alamo Scouts during WWII,
  • The 29th Ranger Battalion during WWII,
  • Any of the Ranger Infantry Companies (Airborne) during the Korean War,
  • The Eighth Army’s “8000 Series” units during the Korea War,
  • Any of the lettered Ranger companies of the 75th Infantry, or their immediate LRRP predecessor units, during the Vietnam War,
  • Any Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) Ranger Unit (Biệt Ðộng Quân). 
  • Any officially designated U. S. Army Ranger unit, to include E/65th Inf (PRNG), D/151st   INF (IN NG), A/75th and B/75th Ranger (V and VII Corps LRP), or their immediate LRP predecessor units.
  • The 1st or 2nd Ranger Battalion, during the period 1974 to 1984, the 75th Ranger Regiment, since 1984.

Regular Member Application Classes

  • Regular (Annual): Regular Members who fully meet the requirements for Regular membership and who have paid the appropriate annual dues. Application can be made for one, two, three or five years. For new applicators for membership made between October 1 and December 31 of any given year  the membership renewal date is extended to the next calendar year (in other words, the three month are gratus).
  • Regular (Life): Regular Members who fully meet the requirements for Regular membership and who pay the appropriate dues for a Life membership.
  • Special Rates: We offer a reduced Life Membership dues rate ($200) for applicants over 65 years of age. In addition, we offer a free Life Membership for applicants who have been found 100% disabled from a service-related injury by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or from one of the U.S. Military Services of this nation.  Entering the codes shown below to recieve the discounts:
    • If you are over 65 enter SENIOR in the discount field when filling out the application;

    • if you have a verifiable 100% service-connected disability rating from one of the military services or from VA enter FREE in the discount code.

Required Documentation for Membership Approval

All applicants for membership must complete a written or online application to this Association to join. Only upon receiving the appropriate dues and proof of eligibility will membership will be granted.  The following specifies application requirements for the Regular Membership category:

  1. A copy of DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (The DD214 is not required for Active Duty military personnel). Before January 1, 1950, several similar forms were used by the military services, including the WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78PD, and the NAVCG 553.
  2. A copy of Department of the Army orders awarding the Ranger Tab to the applicant; or Ranger Class Number (or month and year of completion/graduation if class number is unknown); Or
  3. A copy of official military service orders showing assignment to one of the qualified units; if service in stated unit is less than one year; the applicant must submit a copy of award the CIB (Combat Infantryman Badge) or the CMB (Combat Medical Badge) while serving in that unit.

Payment must be made and documentation must be submitted and reviewed before membership is approved. Send payment checks and documentation to:

US Army Ranger Association

Attn: VP Personnel
P.O. Box 52126

Fort Benning, GA 31995-2126

If you have any questions contact Art Silsby, VP, Personnel by email at or by telephone at (478) 628-2406.  For quick response; FAX all documents to (478) 628-2031

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