Affiliate Membership
Thank you for using the online application process; you will automatically receive email messages as your application moves through each process step.
If you would prefer to apply offline; download the Affiliate Membership Application and mail or fax the application and all supporting documents as instructed.
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to read the information regarding membership requirements and documentation before you proceed. After applying for membership online you must still mail the requirement documentation to USARA before your membership application can be processed and approved.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Members are spouses, parents or children (age 18 or older) of any Regular Member (Annual or Life) in good standing who demonstrate a particular interest in supporting Rangers and this association.
To apply for Affiliate membership you must be sponsored by the Regular Member; providing both his USARA member number and his name below. If the sponsor Regular Member is a Life member, the applicant for Affiliate Membership may choose to become a Life Affiliate Member by checking the above classification and paying the required dues; or the applicant can choose to renew annually. If the sponsor Regular Member is not a Life Member; the Affiliate Member cannot be a Life Affiliate Member.
Upon the death of the sponsor Regular Member, the Affiliate membership shall continue eligibility for Affiliate Membership as long as the sponsor member status was in good standing, upon approval of the USARA Board of Directors, and by continued payment of annual dues.
Special Circumstances: While sponsored USARA membership is a prerequisite for Affiliate Membership; the USARA bylaws provides special considerations by the Board of Directors may be made for Kin of deceased Rangers wishing membership. Occasionally there are spouses, parents and children of US Army Rangers who died or were killed-in-action and were not Regular Members of USARA; but would have qualified for Regular Membership had they applied. An applicant wishing to join USARA as an Affiliate Member in this case must also provide, in addition to this application, documentary proof of the deceased Ranger’s eligibility as outlined in the Regular Member qualifications and requirements. Also, in this case the applicant may apply for either Annual or Life membership. Contact the VP, Personnel (at the address and/or contact numbers on this application) for assistance. Applications for Affiliate Membership in this case will handle on a case-by-case basis. The VP, Personnel will present application information to the USARA Board of Directors for review and approval.
Affiliate Member Application Classes
Required Documentation for Membership Approval
All applicants must complete a written or online application to this Association to join. Only upon receiving the appropriate dues and proof of eligibility will membership be granted.
The sponsors USARA member number and name is all that is required.
Payment must be made and documentation must be submitted and reviewed before membership is approved. Send payment checks and documentation to:
US Army Ranger Association
Attn: VP Personnel
P.O. Box 52126
Fort Benning, GA 31995-2126
If you have any questions contact Art Silsby, VP, Personnel by email at rangersilsby@gmail.com or by telephone at (478) 628-2406. For quick response; FAX all documents to (478) 628-2031