USARA presents awards to 75th Ranger Regiment Soldier and NCO of the Year

06/02/2010 11:00 AM | Anonymous

Fort Benning, Georgia (Wednesday, June 2, 2010) Representing USARA, Butch Nery and Frank Casey present Ek Knives to the winners of the 75th Ranger Regiment Soldier and Noncommissioned Officer of the Year.  Spc. Justin Hinton received the regiment’s Soldier of the Year Award while Staff Sgt. Kirk Woody took home the top NCO honor.


Left to right: Frank Casey, Spc. Hinton, Staff Sgt. Woody, and Butch Nery






Butch Nerypresents Ek knife to Staff Sgt. Woody.







Frank Casey presents Ek knife to Spc. Hinton.





The Soldier and NCO of the Year Award is a standard competition that units throughout the Army conduct in order to select their best soldier and NCO based on performance, potential and professional knowledge.

In order to have the opportunity to compete for the Special Operations Command Soldier and NCO of the Year title, Hinton and Groves had to first win soldier and NCO of the quarter and then soldier and NCO of the year for Ranger Special Troops Battalion.

For winning soldier and NCO of the year, Hinton and Woody were given Colt .45 pistols, the Army Commendation Medal and a selection of gift certificates. For winning the Col. Ralph Puckett Leadership Award, Groves was given an Army Commendation Medal, a plaque and a selection of gift certificates.


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