USARA Election 2010 was conducted according to the bylaws of the association; this included the nomination process; preparation of the official ballot and candidate statements; notification of the election to members; the schedule; the official tally and recording of votes; and notification of results. In addition to election of USARA officials, this election included a vote to amend Article III (Membership) of the bylaws to include new membership categories. To amend the bylaw specific rules state: “The voting members of this Association may make, amend, and repeal the Bylaws of the Association by a mail vote for all voting members, with proper notice, proper time duration, and fair discussion of issues, by a majority vote of the voting quorum of thirty (30%) percent of all qualified voting members.”
Notification of Election 2010, including the bylaws amendment, was made to all members in the Summer Edition of the Ranger Register; in addition, the election materials, including the amendment, was posted on the USARA website (, and email blasts to members providing reminders of the upcoming election and a link to the bylaws amendment draft.
Election packets were mailed on July 22, 2010 to all members in good standing (mail to International Region members were earlier, on July 20, 2010) prior to the August 1, 2010 required date.
The following summarizes USARA Election 2010 results:
Election Ballot Mailing and Returns |
986 |
Election ballots mail to member eligible to vote (see detail below) |
296 |
Required returns to constitute a quorum of 30% |
321 |
Ballots received from members |
32.56% |
Greater than 30% |
Position Vote Results |
Individual |
Votes |
Note |
President |
Butch Nery |
188 |
Tim Swain |
132 |
No vote |
1 |
Total Votes |
321 |
Treasurer |
Bob Kvederas |
267 |
Unopposed |
VP, Logistics |
Craig Vanek |
285 |
Unopposed |
Director, Northern Region |
Joe Mattison |
58 |
Unopposed |
Director, Central Region |
Karl Monger |
68 |
Unopposed |
Article III Bylaws Amendment |
Voted “Yes” |
222 |
Voted “No” |
8 |
No vote |
91 |
Total Votes |
321 |
Quorum rule met – 32.56% |
The following link provide the status of USARA membership (as of 07/22/2010); Election 2010 summary of packet mailing; and cost summary for preparing and mailing packets.
USARA Election 2010 Details
The next link provide the MFR of voting during Election 2010
USARA Election Memo for Record