All Rangers, past and present, are cordially invited to attend the Second Annual Ranger Happy Hour and Dinner. Reconnect with old Ranger buddies and make new ones.
5:30 pm on Friday, October 19, 2012
Five Roses Pub
5509 Park Place
Rosemont, IL 60018
Any individual that served in a Ranger unit or earned the Ranger tab is welcome to attend. Membership in a Ranger affiliated organization (USARA, 75thRRA, WAR, RBA, etc.) is not required. Spouses and guest are welcome as well.
You can register online
RSVP To Travis West at 608-561-1779 or
Please register on the USARA website at or RSVP to Travis West RSVP To Travis West at (608) 561-1779 or .
To register online click on Event Registration. Click on “Register” and enter your email address and password if asked (if you are not already logged in). Make sure you enter the number of guests at the bottom of the form (not counting yourself) that will attend with you.