The National Memorial Day Parade was launched in 2005 by the American Veterans Center in Washington, D.C. In each subsequent year, the parade has grown in both size and scope. Since 2008, the parade has been televised and broadcast live to our troops stationed around the globe. It is the largest Memorial Day event in the nation; a testament to the public’s desire to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom on this sacred day.
On Monday, May 26, 2014, the National Memorial Day Parade will commence at the corner of Constitution Avenue and 7th Streets, NW. It will proceed west down Constitution, past the White House, ending at 17th Street. Participants will pass by the nation’s monuments, museums, and hundreds of thousands of spectators waving their flags and cheering for our country’s heroes – the men and women who wear the uniform of our armed forces. From the American Revolution up to present day conflicts, the Parade will commemorate the American spirit and the sacrifices of those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who serve so we can live in the Land of the Free.
The parade will include floats, high school marching bands, veterans, service members, local and national celebrities, service organizations and clubs, and much more! - See more at: