The date for candidate filing for the USARA Election 2010 has come and gone. The Candidate Election Statements/Bios for the announced candidates have been reviewed and finalized by the National Nominating Committee along with an Election Ballot. Those materials were provided to the USARA President and Board of Directors and have been approved by them for use in the upcoming election. Election Packets are currently being prepared by Executive Vice President for mailing in July so as to arrive to the voting membership not later than 1 August. Ballots are to be completed and returned to the National Headquarters so as arrive there by 31 August.
Included in this mailing will be raffle tickets for the ARM Raffle. Funds for the raffle tickets are to be sent in with the Ballot. The Ballot in addition to listing the candidates running in the election also has a place for voting on the proposed revisions to the USARA Constitution/By Laws. These proposed revisions can be found on the USARA Web site under the members section. I would encourage you to take the time to go to the web site and review these changes prior to voting. I would also encourage you to fill out your Ballot and return it as soon as you receive it.
If you do not receive an Election Packet in the mail a couple of potential reasons might be, your contact information is not current or if you are annual dues paying member your dues are not paid up to date. Whatever the case may be if you not receive the Election mailing and feel you should have please contact your Region Director or the Vice President for Personnel.
Last my thanks to the members of the National Nominating Committee for your work on this years USARA Election.
Linc German,
President, US Army Ranger Association, Inc.