Tribute to Linc German; immediate Past President, USARA

10/03/2010 7:10 AM | Anonymous

Fort Benning, Georgia (October 3, 2010) - The USARA Board of Directors and all Appointees want to publicly say thank you to Linc German for his leadership and guidance over the past four years. The association faced many challenges and overcame a few obstacles as we moved forward step-by-step to what both members and the public now see.  While steadfast in his approach, Linc was always open to new and better ideas no matter how outlandish sometime they seemed. Like any organization, individual, head-strong points of view were ever present; however, Linc always steered a negotiation to a common result for the betterment of the association. No matter the differences of opinion, Board consensus won over personal agenda, and Linc managed in the end to convince us each that personal input made a difference.

What must be noted is that over the course of Linc’s two terms as President: USARA has become fiscally strong; Membership has grown notably; The bylaws were rewritten and revised once again; The USARA website was improved and then replaced completely; An integrated membership management and event management system was deployed to replace our antiquated paper-based methods; The Ranger Store was reorganized; A new Ranger base was established and an existing one reconstituted; Two new membership categories were introduced, and Other improvements, too numerous to list, were made.

Taken as a whole, the integrity and purpose of USARA was recaptured and reinvigorated because of the time and effort Linc gave to our association over the past four-years. He served the members well!


  • 10/04/2010 8:19 AM | Anonymous
    WOW! Such a nice and unexpected voice from my Rangers.

    Guys. hate to tell you, but I cleaned up at San Antonio. Surprise gift PAID FOR BY THE ASSN. OFFICERS, of an original and new Ek Commando "President's Edition Fairbairn-Sykes MK II, boxed in a Walnut Case. Thanks Rangers and Ek Knife Pres. Bob Buerlein! But that wasn't the least of it. Butch presented #20 of the new President's Award Medal established at the San Antonio Muster General Membership meeting, plus a nice SOG pocket knife that I finely figiured out how to work the safety feature.

    Then Master of the Raffle Art Silsby has someone pull my number, winning the JUDGE. That was after I'd bought another $100.00 worth of tickets that day. I'd bought #360.00 in tickets over three years playing the raffle. PAID OFF this year!

    As with most of us, our Spouses play a big role in our successes, For Jane, she was surprised with the Jewelry Box, again purchased by the Officers of the Assn. Then a sudden Door Prize ticket got me a pair for donated ALTAMA Co. boots. I swear, this wasn't staged.

    Pleased to pass to Butch an improved USARA Foxhole. Trust this everyone, the entire new Board and Appointees of Butch will do us a super job moving ahead. Things are looking really good for USARA. Hope to see everyone next SEP at the Savannah, GA ARM. LINC; OUT!
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