USARA 2012 Election Announcement
USARA election of Association Officers is an Annual Event, with one half of those Officer holders being elected each year. The election is held prior to the Annual Ranger Muster (ARM), with the newly elected officers being sworn in at that time. This year’s ARM is scheduled for Columbus, Georgia in July. You can anticipate receiving the Election Ballot materials in a special edition of the Ranger Register in the May-June time frame.
The following National and Regional Offices up for election in this year’s election:
-- President
-- Vice President Logistics
-- Treasurer
-- South-Central Region Director (Formally Central Region)
-- Northeast Region Director (Formally Northern Region)
-- Midwest Regional Director (Added by Region Realignment)
-- Northwest Regional Director (Added by Region Realignment)
The Association is looking for those potential candidates who are interested in furthering the goals of the Association and have the time to devote to that effort. The criteria to be a candidate for office are:
-- Be an Association Member in good standing.
-- Have the time and desire to be fully involved.
-- Be computer literate since most Association business is conducted online.
If you are interested in running for one of the positions or, or just have questions about the election process, please contact me, or your Region’s member of the National Election Committee noted below:
It is the responsibility of each Association member to insure that his contact information is up to date and that his Association dues are current.
Len Boulas
Chairman, USARA Election Committee
(575) 541-1449 (Home)
(303) 522-7374 (Cell)