GEN (Ret) Joseph T. Palastra Jr. -- RHOF 2010 -- dies in Highlandville, Missouri

03/18/2015 3:25 PM | Anonymous

Gen. Joseph Thomas Palastra Jr. (November 10, 1931 - March 3, 2015)

General Joseph Thomas Palastra Jr, age 83, of Highlandville, passed away Tuesday, March 3, 2015. He was born November 10, 1931 in Kittery, Maine, the son of Joseph and Isabelle (Lamson) Palastra.

He graduated from West Point, and retired from the U.S. Army as a 4-Star General. During his career he served three tours of Vietnam, at the Pentagon, and the Pacific Rim. He was a humble man, always caring about the troops and enjoying being with them as a friend. 

Following retirement he and his wife, Anne, moved to Myrtle, Missouri, where he enjoyed living on the farm, and being “Joe”. After 25 years on the farm, they moved to Springfield and then Highlandville.

He is survived by his wife, Anne; three daughters; a son; and eight grandchildren. A daughter preceded him in death. According to the wishes of General Palastra, no services are planned.

He was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame in 2010 and a member of USARA.



  • 03/19/2015 8:02 AM | Mike Ranger
    He will be missed by the great many he touched.
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  • 05/01/2015 6:30 PM | Col. Alexis Maas Ret.
    Ann, so sorry to hear of the General's passing.
    We remember both of you fondly.
    Alex& Judy
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  • 05/12/2015 12:39 AM | Sgt. Grayson
    The General was a soldier's general, not the admin staff focused officer, a rarity and one we need more of in any
    hot LZ..
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    • 05/12/2015 12:24 PM | RF Timmons
      General Palastra was a role model for me as a younger officer. His stature as a professional soldier was unequaled and the values he lived by set standards that served me well over the years. Truly a man of character. I have thought of him often and will continue to do so. Anne our thoughts are with you.
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