The USARA News Blog presents news stories related to USARA; other Ranger community news is posted under Ranger News.  USARA News is public; anyone visiting this website has access.

  • 11/03/2011 7:26 AM | Anonymous

    USARA received the following message today:

    I regret to inform you that you have lost a distinguished comrade in arms. Please communicate this loss to the membership of your U.S. Army Ranger Association "Ranger Register." My father was a Ranger to his core and to the very end. He was also the best man I have ever known. It is not every son that has only to look at his father to find his hero.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Michael O. Connelly; USNA '89, Desert Storm and Southern Watch Veteran.


    HOPKINS- A memorial service for Dr. Owen Sergeson Connelly Jr. will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 16, 2011, at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia. Visitation is 6-8 p.m. Friday at Dunbar Funeral Home, Devine Street Chapel. Professor Owen Connelly, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army(Ret.), died July 12, 2011. He was born and grew up in Morganton, N.C., the son of the late Owen Sergeson Connelly and Mary Lucy Earle Connelly. He graduated from Wake Forest University (B.S. in Physics) in 1948. His first career began in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was sent to Vanderbilt and then Yale he was commissioned (at age 20) and sent to occupied Germany. Later, as a young First Lieutenant in occupied Japan, he fought to be discharged from the Army Air Corps in order to better serve his country through active combat in the U.S. Army Infantry in Korea. This accomplished by an act of Congress, he served in the Korean War, in the Army Special Weapons Command in New Mexico, and with great pride was the Executive Officer of the Rangers' Amphibious and Jungle Warfare Training Camp in Florida.

    His career in Academe began later with his M.A. in History (Wake Forest) and his Ph.D. in History (U.N.C. at Chapel Hill). He was a professor at the University of South Carolina (U.S.C.) for almost 40 years. As an academic, he published numerous articles and 10 books including "Napoleon's Satellite Kingdoms," "The Gentle Bonaparte," "The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era" (textbook used in over 100 colleges), "Blundering to Glory" and "On War and Leadership." He was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University(1989, 1995), President of the Society for French Historical Studies (1988), a founder of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, and Fellow of the International Napoleonic Society. Dr. Connelly was the "Caroline McKissick Dial Professor of History" and honored by U.S.C. with the "Russell Award," among many others; however, he cherished most the "Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award" (2002), voted by his students. As his colleagues, students and family know, he was a man of strong convictions and opinions, which he was never afraid to share.

    When not researching, writing or teaching he would most often be found on horseback. He and the love of his life, Michale, shared a passion for horses and enjoyed living in the country with their four cats, two dogs and five horses. He adored his children and was proud to have taught each of them how to swim, ride a horse, shoot a gun and drive a car.

    Dr. Connelly was a member of First Presbyterian Church and the family is grateful for the pastoral care we received from Rev. David Lauten and Rev. Craig Wilkes. The family wishes to thank Dr. J. Frank Martin Jr. and his wonderful staff for the outstanding medical care and personal attention they provided over the years and especially in the last few months. We would also like to extend a special thank you to our in-home care givers who lovingly gave so much assistance.

    Surviving are his wife of 46 years, Michale Karnes Connelly; children, Michael Owen Connelly, U.S.N.A. alumnus and Gulf War veteran, (Cynthia Strickland) of Columbia, Dr. Alexandra "Lexi" Connelly Frost (David L.) of Charlotte, Rachel Connelly DiMaria (Michael) of Chapin; grandchildren, Lucy and Lois Frost, Jacob and Joshua DiMaria; brothers, Earle A. Connelly (Jean) of Troy, N.C.; William A. Connelly (Nancy) of Columbia, Md.; brother-in-law, Clifton H. Karnes (Sharon) of Greensboro, N.C.; seven nieces and one nephew.

  • 09/12/2011 4:03 PM | Anonymous

    Captain (Ret) Richards Owen Stewart, Jr., age 64, died September 7, 2011 at home in Columbus, Ga.

    Memorial services with full military honors will be held at Main Post TIC Chapel, Fort Benning, GA on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 3 p.m., according to Striffler-Hamby Mortuary, Columbus.

    Another service and burial will be at the St. Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, GA at 3:00 pm on Friday, September 16, 2011.

    Capt. Stewart was born January 20, 1947, Berlin, Germany, Son of Colonel (Ret.) Richards O. Stewart of Savannah, Ga. and the late Willetta Helmly Stewart.  Captain Stewart was a 1964 graduate of Baker High School, Columbus, Georgia. He was a Distinguished Military Graduate of The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. in 1968 and was commissioned in the regular Army as a 2nd Lt. Infantry, the same year. Captain Stewart was assigned to the 82 Airborne Division, completed Ranger Training and was assigned to the 5th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division and deployed to Viet Nam. Among his decorations include the Bronze Star Medal for Valor and Purple Heart. After receiving 100% disability from wounds received in action in Viet Nam he was transferred to Walter Reed Army Center where he retired in 1970. Captain Stewart was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame in 2001.  He was a Life Member of the US Army Ranger Association (USARA) and held several positions over the years.

    In addition to his father, Captain Stewart is survived by his daughter, Elizabeth Cameron Stewart, two grandsons, Charles Terence Doran and McCullough Stewart Doran, all of Duvall, Washington, his brother Randolph Barclay Stewart and his sister, Corinne Stewart Reeves, both of Bluffton, S.C., and several nephews. He was preceded in death by his son, Richards Owen Stewart, III, and sister, Jacqueline Elizabeth Stewart. Condolences may be offered at


  • 09/12/2011 3:40 PM | Anonymous

    The drawing for the 2011 USARA Raffle was held Saturday, September 10, 2011. The following shows the prize winners:



    1st  Mossberg Model 935 12 Gauge Shotgun

    Ranger Bob Lanzotti

          donated by The Gun Shop

    Smyrna, GA

    2nd  Taurus Judge Revolver 410/45

    Natalie Roberts

           donated by Taurus USA

    Atlanta, GA

    3rd Glock Pistol

    Ranger Joe Harris

         donated by Glock, Inc.

    Bardstown, KY

    4th Glock Pistol

    Ranger Robert Gill

         donated by Glock, Inc.

    Montgomery, TX

    5th ISSC Austria MSR Mk 22 22LR Rifle

    Ranger John Dolan

         donated by Mission Essential, Inc.

    Silver Spring, MD

    6th EK Fairbairn-Sykes Mk II Fighting Knife

    Cindy Keener

         donated by EK Knife Company

    Jonestown, PA

    7th Suunto Core Wristwatch

    Ranger Bo Prehar

         donated by Ubergroup, Inc.

    Georgetown, TX

    8th Suunto Core Wristwatch

    Natalie Roberts

         donated by Ubergroup, Inc.

    Atlanta, GA

  • 09/11/2011 9:31 AM | Anonymous

    The US Army Ranger Association Annual Ranger Muster (ARM) ended today in Savannah, Georgia.

  • 08/10/2011 2:09 AM | Anonymous

    The summer edition of the USARA Ranger Register, published last week, is being delivered by mail to all active members. The latest version is the next evolution of the magazine-like theme and appearance of the Official Newsletter of the US Army Ranger Association. The Register is produced four times a year. The Register contains stories of interest and happenings within USARA and the Ranger Community.

    As part of the revised theme, the Ranger Register will contain inserts including various forms, event registrations, applications and other seasonal USARA communications.  Incorporated among the latest issue inserts are the USARA Election 2011 ballot (with return envelop), tickets for this year’s annual Raffle and an ARM 2011 Registration Form. Using the Ranger Register as the delivery vehicle for information sent to members separately in the past will cut growing production and mailing costs.

    The fall edition will continue to add sections so as to provide news from each USARA Region.

    The Ranger Register is also made available on the USARA website, along with past editions. Soon, members will be able to opt out of receiving the mailed version as it can be downloaded and printed.

  • 08/10/2011 1:33 AM | Anonymous

    Sgt. Alessandro Leonard Plutino, 28, was killed August 8. 2011 by enemy forces during a heavy firefight while conducting combat operations in Paktiya Province, Afghanistan.

    Plutino was a Team Leader assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment at Hunter Army Airfield, Ga. He was on his sixth deployment in support of the War on Terror with three previous deployments to Iraq and two to Afghanistan.

    He was born Aug. 23, 1982 in Washington Township, N.J. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in August 2006 from his hometown of Pitman, N.J. Plutino completed One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Ga., as an infantryman. After graduating from the Basic Airborne Course there, he was assigned to the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program also at Fort Benning.

    Plutino graduated from the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program and was assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment in February 2007, where he served as a rifleman, grenadier, automatic rifleman, and a Ranger team leader.

    His military education includes the Basic Airborne Course, Ranger Assessment and Selection Program, U.S. Army Ranger Course, Warrior Leader Course, and the Emergency Medical Technician Ambulatory Course.

    His awards and decorations include the Ranger Tab, the Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the Parachutist Badge.

    He has also been awarded the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Iraq Campaign Medal with Campaign Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon and the Overseas Service Ribbon.

    Plutino is survived by his mother Dianne Hammond and his father Sandro Plutino, both of Pitman, N.J.

  • 08/02/2011 12:41 PM | Anonymous
    Soon USARA news and information will automatically be posted to Twitter and Facebook through RSS Feed.  This is a test.
  • 05/01/2011 10:30 AM | Anonymous

    Fort Benning, GA (USARA News, March 31, 2011) USARA election of Association Officers is an Annual Event, with ½ of the Officer holders being elected each year. The election is held in the month prior to the Annual Ranger Muster (ARM), with the results of the election being announced at the ARM and the newly elected officers being installed at that time. This year’s ARM will be held in Savannah, Georgia in September making the election month August. Ballot Materials will be mailed out to each voting member of the Association so as to arrive NLT then the first day of the election month.

    It is the responsibility of each Association member to insure that his contact information is up to date, and that his Association dues are current (members cannot vote if dues are not current).

    The following positions are up for election this year:

    • Executive Vice President
    • Vice President Personnel
    • Secretary
    • Southeast Region Director
    • Southwest Region Director

    To see the USARA Election 2011 time schedule click here.

    If you are interested in making a positive impact on the Association, have the time, and are ready to get involved in running for one of the positions or would like to get involved as a member of the Nominating Committee, or just have questions about the election process, please contact:

    Leonard A. Boulas

    2041 Sorrento Place

    Las Cruces, New Mexico 8005

    (505) 541-1449 (H)

    (303) 522-7374 (C)


  • 04/30/2011 9:30 AM | Anonymous

    In accordance with the approved USARA Bylaws Resolution that realigned Ranger Regions effective April, 1, 2011, the President nominated and the Board of Directors approved the following appointments:

    Travis West, Midwest Region Director

    Rick Yost, Mid-Atlantic Region Director

    Both new Regional Directors bring unique background, experience and talent to the USARA Board of Directors team, and to the members who they will represent.

    Under the realignment the Midwest Region includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan; the Mid-Atlantic Region includes the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia.

    USARA leadership is currently screening and interviewing potential members for selection of a Director for the new Northwest Region. 
  • 04/29/2011 12:05 PM | Anonymous

    Fort Benning, GA (USARA News, March 31, 2011) The USARA Board of Directors unanimously approved a Bylaws Resolution on March 23, 2011 to implement a realignment of Ranger Regions to better accommodate future regional events and schedule changes of the Annual Ranger Musters (ARM) to better adjust for the poor economy. We will place greater focus on planning and scheduling activities at the local and regional levels to adapt to our growing membership; provide more cost-effective options; and to increase member participation. This change will give us better Command and Control, providing increased communication with those we serve, but who have been unable to attend USARA events as our regions were previously aligned. The realignment will be effective April, 1, 2011.

    The President is currently nominating, and the Board of Directors will approve, the appointment of three (3) Interim Regional Directors (Mid-Atlantic, Northwest Region and Midwest Region) for one year period. The current Regional Directors will not be affected (other than the actual geographical realignment of member States, and their new regions designation).

    The Board of Directors will complete a six-month review of the interim Region Realignment at the scheduled ARM 2011 Board Meeting (September 08, 2011). A final will be conducted at the next scheduled Mid-Term Board Meeting (March 2012 time-frame). At that meeting, if the interim realignment period is declared successful; changes to Article V, Section 1 of the USARA Constitution will be required; and USARA bylaws changes would be made and the three additional Regional Directors will be added to the Elected Officials List in accordance with the USARA Constitution and Bylaws; any and all final changes affected by the Ranger Regional realignment will follow the provisions Article IX including a vote by general membership.

    The following shows a map of the new Ranger Regions, and a list of States included in each:

    Northeast Region (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey)

    Mid-Atlantic Region (District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia)

    Southeast Region (Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida)

    Midwest Region (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan)

    South-Central Region (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas)

    Northwest Region (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming)

    Southwest Region (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii)

    International Region (no compositional change)


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