The USARA News Blog presents news stories related to USARA; other Ranger community news is posted under Ranger News.  USARA News is public; anyone visiting this website has access.

  • 08/19/2014 12:39 PM | Anonymous

    USARA Life Member COL Elliott “Bud” Sydnor, 78, of Fernandina Beach, Fla., died August 15, 2014, at Baptist Medical Center/Nassau.

    Memorial service is at 2 p.m. Wednesday August 20 at Memorial United Methodist Church, with burial with full military honors at 11:30 a.m. Friday August 22 at Jacksonville National Cemetery. Visitation is from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at Oxley-Heard Funeral Home.

    COL Elliott “Bud” Sydnor was born on June 30, 1927, in Auburn, Kentucky (pop 850). He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on September 6, 1945, and after completing Submarine School, he served aboard the attack submarine USS Raton (SS-270) with the Atlantic Submarine Fleet out of New London, Connecticut, until his discharge from active duty on January 15, 1948. He remained in the Naval Reserve until September 19, 1950. Sydnor received his commission as a 2d Lt of Infantry in the U.S. Army through the Army ROTC program at Western Kentucky State Teachers College on May 29, 1952, and went on active duty beginning August 25, 1952. After completing Infantry Officer training and Airborne School, Lt Sydnor served with the 11th Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, from February to December 1953. During this time, he completed Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. His next assignment was with the 160th and then the 23rd Infantry Regiment in Korea from January to September 1954, where he served as a Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, and Company Commander. Lt Sydnor served with the 27th Infantry Regiment in Hawaii from September 1954 to December 1956, followed by service as an airborne instructor with the International Student Division at Fort Benning from January 1957 to August 1958. After completing Special Forces training, Capt Sydnor served as a Team Commander with the 77th Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, from June 1959 to March 1960, and he then completed an exchange officer assignment with the British Special Air Service (SAS) in England from April 1960 to June 1961. He served with the 7th Special Force Group at Fort Bragg from June 1961 to January 1964, and during this time he deployed to Laos as part of the White Star project from October 1961 to June 1962. His next assignment was as a staff officer with the Infantry Branch at the Pentagon from January 1964 to January 1967. Col Sydnor attended Armed Forces Staff College at Norfolk, Virginia, from January to August 1967, and then deployed to Southeast Asia, where he served as a battalion commander and executive officer with the 327th Airborne Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam from August 1967 to August 1968. After completing his Master's Degree at George Washington University and attending Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Col Sydnor served with the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning from June 1970 to June 1973. During this time he trained and commanded the ground forces for the Son Tay Raid, a clandestine mission to rescue American Prisoners of War held in North Vietnam, on November 21, 1970. He served as Commander of the 1st Special Forces Group on Okinawa from July 1973 to September 1974, followed by service as Chief of the Infantry Branch with the Army Military Personnel Center in Alexandria, Virginia, from November 1974 to June 1976. Col Sydner next served as Chief of the Company Grade Combat Arms Division with the Army Military Personnel Center from June 1976 to June 1977, and then served as Director of the Ranger Department with the Infantry School at Fort Benning from June 1977 to May 1980. His final assignment was as Director of Plans and Training with the U.S. Army Infantry Center at Fort Benning from May 1980 until his retirement from the Army on September 1, 1981. He earned the Combat Infantryman Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, and the Enlisted Submarine Warfare Insignia. In addition to his U.S. badges, Col Sydnor was awarded the British Air Service Jump Wings, the Thai Army Jump Wings, and the Republic of China Jump Wings. He was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame on June 18, 1992. Bud Sydnor died on August 15, 2014.

    His Distinguished Service Cross Citation reads:

    The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 25, 1963, has awarded the Distinguished Service Cross to Lieutenant Colonel Elliott P. Sydnor, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in action: Lieutenant Colonel Elliott P. Sydnor, Infantry, distinguished himself by extraordinary gallantry in action on 21 November 1970. Colonel Sydnor volunteered to command an all-volunteer raiding force organized to conduct a heliborne assault in an heroic attempt to rescue United States military personnel being held as prisoners-of-war at the Son Tay prison in North Vietnam. Colonel Sydnor displayed outstanding leadership and personal courage as he personally directed the assault on the compound and the withdrawal of the entire raid force. Colonel Sydnor's masterful command and control of the operation under the most hazardous combat conditions was exemplary. His keen mind and alertness to the constantly changing situation enabled him to effectively direct and control the actions of the joint assault force air and ground elements and maneuver them as the situation required. In order to maintain the critical control required over the complex raid operation, Colonel Sydnor unhesitatingly and fearlessly exposed himself time and time again to the enemy's small arms and automatic weapons fire. When the withdrawal began, Colonel Sydnor, with utter disregard for his personal safety, constantly stood fully exposed in the helicopter landing zone in order to direct the withdrawal and insure that not one man was unwittingly left behind. The success of the mission was directly attributed to his dynamic and fearless leadership and to the heroic example he set for his officers and men. The degree of his valorous action was further accentuated by his prior knowledge of the location of the prison compound--eighteen kilometers from the capital city of North Vietnam. Knowing full well the enemy forces were armed with automatic weapons, and the target area saturated with enemy installations, high performance aircraft and anti-aircraft defenses, Colonel Sydnor's premeditated personal risk, extraordinary heroism against an armed hostile force, and extreme devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest tradition of the military service and reflect great credit on him and the United States Army.

  • 06/24/2014 5:30 PM | Anonymous

    U.S. Army Ranger Association Life Member, David Ellis Doyle, 74, of Lincoln, CA passed away on May 3, 2014 after a long battle with cancer.  Dave was born in San Angelo, TX on June 6, 1939.  He was the first child of Grace Powell Doyle and Milton Ellis Doyle.

    Dave spent his childhood in West Texas; he was always proud of Roby High School's graduating class, numbering about 40 members.  After spending time working at Citizen's State Bank, and attending Texas Tech, Dave entered the U.S. Army in 1962.  Commissioned from the Officer Candidate School, Dave earned the Ranger Tab with Class 3 in 1963 and then completed Airborne School. He served two tours in the Vietnam War.  After the war, Dave received his Bachelor of General Studies from the University of Nebraska, Omaha.  He then went on to receive his Masters in Business Administration from the University of California, San Francisco.

    After serving for twenty years, Dave retired from the Army as a Lt. Colonel.  He went on to work in marketing for FMC.  He and his wife Sherry moved to Saudi Arabia while on assignment for FMC.  While there, he retired from FMC and started a services firm for overseas companies.  Coming back to the U.S. for retirement, Dave and Sherry lived in Arizona and California where they made great memories with family and friends.

    Dave was a dad and grandpa who took his job seriously with all of his kids; he loved them and taught them well.  He was an avid golfer and loved to watch sports.  He also really enjoyed his twice weekly coffee times with other military vets.

    Dave is survived by his wife, Sharon Doyle, his two daughters, Robin Leach and Amy Norberto, his two stepchildren, Greg McKinney and Dana Lanier, his eight grandchildren, his two brothers and sister, as well as nieces and nephews.  He was predeceased by his parents, Grace and Milton Doyle.

    There will be two services held:

    Friday, July 11th at 11:00 am,

    Interment at Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, Dixon, Ca

    Saturday, July 12th from 10:30-1:30, Celebration of Life, 

    Orchard Creek Lodge Ballroom

    965 Orchard Creek Lane,

    Lincoln, Ca

    In lieu of flowers, please make any donations to the Wounded Warriors Project, in honor of David E. Doyle


  • 05/22/2014 6:08 PM | Anonymous

    The National Memorial Day Parade was launched in 2005 by the American Veterans Center in Washington, D.C. In each subsequent year, the parade has grown in both size and scope. Since 2008, the parade has been televised and broadcast live to our troops stationed around the globe. It is the largest Memorial Day event in the nation; a testament to the public’s desire to honor those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom on this sacred day.

    On Monday, May 26, 2014, the National Memorial Day Parade will commence at the corner of Constitution Avenue and 7th Streets, NW. It will proceed west down Constitution, past the White House, ending at 17th Street. Participants will pass by the nation’s monuments, museums, and hundreds of thousands of spectators waving their flags and cheering for our country’s heroes – the men and women who wear the uniform of our armed forces. From the American Revolution up to present day conflicts, the Parade will commemorate the American spirit and the sacrifices of those Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who serve so we can live in the Land of the Free.

    The parade will include floats, high school marching bands, veterans, service members, local and national celebrities, service organizations and clubs, and much more! - See more at:

  • 03/25/2014 9:38 AM | Anonymous

    John Thomas Raymond died Saturday March 22, 2014 at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center.

    He was a local businessman and civic leader working in the healthcare industry since retiring from the military in 1969 and returning to his hometown of Breaux Bridge. He was a founder and co-owner of St. Agnes Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center, which opened in Breaux Bridge in 1984. He was the first administrator of Gary Memorial Hospital and has served as a Breaux Bridge city councilman. More recently, he and a business partner opened Buck & Johnny’s restaurant in Breaux Bridge in the former Domingue Motors building which his father had worked in during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

    He began his distinguished military career during World War II, enlisting in the U.S. Navy for one year. He joined the U.S. Army in 1950 and in 1951 was commissioned as an officer. His military career included a tour in the Korean War, during which he served as a platoon leader in the 5th Regimental Combat Team and then as its youngest company commander. His training included paratrooper, jumpmaster, ranger, and mountain climbing schools. While in Korea he joined the newly formed 77th Special Forces Group, which he took to Thailand in 1954 to organize the Thai Special Forces. He remained in Thailand to reorganize and train the Royal Thai Army Ranger Battalion in special operations. In a 50th anniversary ceremony in 2004 he was recognized as the father the Royal Thai Army’s Special Forces. On returning from Thailand in 1955, he joined the 82nd Airborne Division. He did a tour in Vietnam in 1968 and retired from the U.S. Army in 1969 as a lieutenant colonel.

    The numerous medals and awards he received as a result of his military career included the Silver Star, The Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross, and the Gold Star. During his service in Korea and Vietnam, he was decorated for bravery and meritorious service by the United States, Republic of Korea and Republic of Vietnam. Read more...

  • 03/14/2014 6:29 AM | Anonymous

    Medal of Honor recipient, Ranger Hall of Fame Inductee and USARA Regular Life Member COL Ola Lee Mize has died at 82. He died Wednesday after a lengthy illness.  Read more… He was a key figure in the defense of "Outpost Harry" when it was attacked during the Korean War. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1954 by President Dwight Eisenhower.

    The Gadsden-Etowah Patriots Association said visitation will be held at Southside Baptist Church in Southside, Alabama from 6-8 p.m. Friday March 14, 2014.

    The funeral will be held Saturday at the church at 10 a.m., followed by a funeral procession to Crestwood Cemetery in Gadsden.

    Colonel Mize's funeral will be conducted with full military honors by the Army's 5th Special Forces Group, deployed from Fort Campbell KY, complete with 21-gun salute. An Alabama National Guard unit will be responsible for the flag Honor Guard.



  • 06/14/2013 1:23 AM | Anonymous

    The one hour documentary “Rangers Lead the Way” will be on tonight (Friday) at 10 p.m. (9 p.m. Central Time) on the Discovery Network’s Military Channel.  It will air again at 1:00 AM (12:00 AM Central Time).

  • 03/28/2013 4:20 PM | Anonymous

    WASHINGTON (Wednesday, March 27, 2013) Starting today at airports nationwide, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will offer expedited screening to severely injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces.  The new policy is available to any service member or veteran with injuries or mobility issues, regardless of when they served.  They will no longer be required to remove their shoes, jackets or hats at airport security checkpoints.

    To be eligible for this service, a Wounded Warrior or traveling companion should email the Military Severely Injured Joint Services Operations Center,, or call 1-888-262-2396 with itinerary information for the traveling party.  Traveling companions will receive standard screening. 

     “In recognition of the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, we have revised our screening requirements to allow expedited screening for this trusted group of citizens,” said John Halinski, TSA’s Deputy Administrator and 25-year U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

    Read more


  • 03/27/2013 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    USARA election of Association Officers is an Annual Event, with one half of those officer holders being elected each year. The election is held not later than the month prior to the Annual Ranger Muster (ARM), with the newly elected officers taking office at the ARM.  This year’s ARM is July 22-26, 2013 in Columbus, Georgia.

    During the month of April all members will receive a special edition of the Ranger Register in which they will be asked to approve a change to the USARA Bylaws that will allow electronic online voting.  If approved, those who have e-mail addresses registered on the USARA website will have the opportunity to vote electronically by e-mail.  For those not having a valid e-mail email address, elections materials will be mailed to you.

    It is the responsibility of each Association member to insure that his contact information is up to date, and that his Association dues are current.

    This year’s election includes:

    • Executive Vice President
    • Vice President Personnel
    • Secretary
    • Mid-Atlantic Region Director
    • Southeast Region Director
    • Southwest Regional Director

    The Association is looking for those potential candidates who are interested in furthering the goals and objectives of the Association.  The criteria to be a candidate for office are:

    • A Regular Member of the Association in good standing (dues current).
    • Have the time and desire to be fully involved.
    • Be computer literate since the majority of Association business is conducted through our website and/or by e-mail.

    If you are interested in running for one of the positions or, or just have questions about the election process, please contact me, or your Region’s member of the National Election Committee noted below, or your  Region Director.






    Len Boulas


    Chad Wegner


    Harry Perry


    Christian Stevens


    Ed Tullin III


    Andre LeCault


    Ernie Estrada


    Len Boulas

    Chairman, USARA Election Committee


    (575) 541-1449 (H)

    (303) 522-7374 (C)


  • 03/27/2013 10:33 AM | Anonymous

    Herbert Lawrence "Bud" Godschalk, Jr., of Staunton, Va., passed away Saturday, February 23, 2013, at the Hunter McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia. He was born on December 27, 1930, in New Rochelle, N.Y., the son of the late Herbert L., Sr., and Mildred McCarthy Godschalk.

    He attended Xavier University and served with the U.S. Army Rangers during the Korean conflict. He retired in 1999 as a manufacturer's representative for H.L. Godschalk Associates of Huntington, W.Va.

    He is survived by his children, Dr. Michael Godschalk and wife Dorothy of Richmond, Va., Maggie Godschalk of Huntington, W.Va., Susan Cremeans and husband Bob of Crown City, Ohio, Herbert L. "Herb" Godschalk, III, and wife Sue of Staunton, Va., Catherine Spurlock and husband Clarence of Huntington, W.Va., Patricia "Trish" Hickey and husband Ed of Lexington, Ky., John Godschalk of Huntington, W.Va., Teresa Godschalk of Charlotte, N.C., and Mary Godschalk of Cincinnati, Ohio; 13 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

  • 03/09/2013 5:33 PM | Anonymous

    Applicants can now complete the online USARA Scholarship Request for Application. The application process is only available online; no paper-based documents are used. Read the complete process details and schedule by clicking here.


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